Learn To Travel Better
Missing Home? How to Overcome Homesickness Abroad and While Traveling
Actionable tips to overcome homesickness abroad and while traveling so you can be true to yourself while still having an amazing trip.
The 11 Best Art History Apps
We’ve collected the best art history apps that can transform a museum visit or a trip to a historic city into transformative and memorable experiences.
Tips for Travelers to Find the Best Rent Free Accommodation in Exchange for Work
All you need to know to get started with a work exchanges. Learn how to volunteer in exchange for free room and board so you…
Is Travel Coaching Right for You?
Wondering if travel coaching is right for you? Learn more about it and how to become a travel coach in this article.
Worldschooling Book
Erica Forrest, the founder of Trip Scholars is one of twenty-two authors inspiring curious parents in the anthology, Worldschoolers. Benefit from the wide range of…
After Travel: 15 Tips for When Your Vacation is Over
Returning back to our lives after travel can be challenging. Use these 15 tips for when your vacation is over to not only make the…
15 Essential Travel Skills: Learn to Travel Like a Pro
Master the 15 most essential travel skills and learn to travel like a pro.
8 Top Tips for the Best Multigenerational Family Vacations
Multigenerational family vacations are some of life’s most treasured trips. Learn to make them low stress and fun for the whole family. Get tips for…
Travel Vision Board Ideas: Making Your Travel Dreams Come True
Travel vision boards can be a useful (and fun!) step in realizing long term or hard to reach travel goals. This article has easy to…
Non-binary and Transgender Travel Guide
This Non-binary and Transgender Travel Guide is intended as support in staying safe and empowered while enjoying amazing trips.
How to Become a Travelpreneur with Tips and Resources
What is a travelpreneur and is it a good choice for you? Learn how to decide and weigh the pros and cons. Find out what…
Tips For Visiting a Museum With Kids
Valuable tips for visiting a museum with kids to keep it fun, engaging, educational, and low stress from an expert.
Museum Tips: How To Make the Most of Visiting a Museum
Over 20 easy and enjoyable museum tips to help you make the most of visiting a museum from a travel education specialist.
Destination Inspiration: Where to Next?
Over 20 ideas for destination inspiration answering the question, “where to next?” with creative and personalized recommendations.
How to Plan an Itinerary: Your 9 Step Guide to Amazing Trips
Learn how to plan an itinerary that maximizes your experience, minimizes stress, and ensures that you make the most of your precious time exploring new…
Heritage Tours: How to Plan Your Own Ancestry Travel
Take the trip of your lifetime by visiting your ancestral homelands. Follow our step-by-step guide to plan your own ancestry or heritage tour.
The Best Minimalist Travel Accessories and Sustainable Travel Gear
We know the best travel gear because we travel a lot. We have gone through a lot of gear over the years want to share…
How to Be Your Own Tour Guide
A professional tour guide shares her best advice and lots of useful resources so you can be your very own tour guide.