Worldschooling Book

I’m one of twenty-two authors in the best selling inspiring anthology, Worldschoolers: Innovative Parents Turning  Countries Into Classrooms! Benefit from the wide range of experiences and lifestyles to find creative and exciting travel ideas for your own family in this worldschooling book.

What is Worldschooling?

Curious about what is worldschooling and if it can be a good match for your family? Worldschoolers: Innovative Parents Turning Countries Into Classrooms! is a book you’ll love. This anthology, featuring twenty-two authors including myself, dives deep into the world schooling meaning and offers a comprehensive look at how families around the globe are transforming their travels into educational adventures. 

You will be inspired with their stories supporting their kids in learning at their own pace and creating meaningful learning opportunities in different cultures around the world. Some of these traveling families are global digital nomads, others are exploring their own county in an RV, while others have a homebase but include travel as an integral part of their homeschooling journey.

How Do I Start Homeschooling While Traveling?

Wondering how to start homeschooling while traveling the world? This book is packed with tips and real-life experiences to help you get started. From setting up a world schooling curriculum (if you even want one!) to managing the logistics of travel homeschooling, you’ll find advice to make your transition smooth. Plus, the diverse experiences shared will inspire you to create a unique worldschooling journey that fits your family’s unique needs.

What Are the Benefits of Worldschooling?

Thinking about the benefits of worldschooling for your children? This anthology highlights powerful and uplifting themes that showcase the positive impact of world travel on families. You’ll read about the incredible growth, deepened family bonds, and enriched learning experiences that come from turning the world into your classroom.

How Can I Afford Homeschooling While Traveling?

Worried about the cost of worldschooling? Learn how other families afford homeschooling while traveling. Discover creative ways to fund your educational adventures without breaking the bank.

What Does a Worldschooling Curriculum Look Like?

Curious about what a world schooling curriculum entails? The book provides insights into how 22 different families approach travel focused alternative education. Be inspired by the variety of approaches that integrate travel experiences with learning. Whether you’re looking for structured online learning classes, flexible guidelines, or unschooling, you’ll find examples and worldschooling resources that can be tailored to fit your family’s educational goals. Imagine your family connecting with people around the world, learning about history and archaeology, exploring natural wonders and cultural highlights– in person.

How Do I Connect with Worldschooling Communities?

Looking to join world schooling communities for support and inspiration? Worldschoolers introduces you to a network of like-minded families who share your passion for learning through travel. You’ll see how others connected with these communities, both online and in-person, and how many of them built a support system that enhances their worldschooling experience. 

Many of the authors offer services for worldschooling families, like I do. Everything from hosting worldschooling hubs to family travel coaching, so there is a wealth of additional resources beyond the book itself. You’ll learn a lot about them in their chapters and can decide for yourself who you want to connect with further.

Looking for Advice for Your Own Worldschooling Adventures?

This anthology is filled with actionable advice from seasoned worldschoolers. From planning your world schooling itinerary to balancing online school while traveling, you’ll gain valuable insights that will help you navigate the challenges and joys of worldschooling.

Read the Worldschoolers Book

The common themes are powerful and uplifting! Despite the wide range of approaches, there is considerable overlap in the choices the authors made and the ways in which they talk about families, respecting their children, learning, and traveling. 

The incredible breadth between the covers of this book invites the reader to jump around and find what will work well for their own family.

You’ll have the guidance and inspiration you need to get started on this incredible adventure with Worldschoolers: Innovative Parents Turning Countries Into Classrooms.

Happy travels and happy learning! 

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